Something Exciting is Coming

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted a blog so I’ve decided to make this one worth it. For the past years, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make the best stuff, the best posts, the best everything. and recently I’ve realized that every time I’ve tried to just do the best at all those things, I couldn’t keep up. I once again reenvisioned my plans and decided to just do what I like. That I’d stop making stuff that is perfect and do stuff that I want to do.

The Twitch Livestreams are doing OK. but I’m basically just streaming to film my Youtube videos for now and people who tune in can be a part of that process. YouTube is doing great and I’m really happy with the flow I’ve created with the videos and the Subs are coming in at the rate I intended. Where you’ll see the most change is through my Instagram. I’ve decided to delete my alt. accounts and concentrate on just one.

“What does that mean for the content on the other accounts?” you ask. Well not much because I haven’t posted anything to them for quite some time now. Basically, what I intend on doing is merging the accounts and to post more about the other things on my main account. This means Photography content, Videography content, the usual Music/DJ content, and some just fun stuff of my life.

I’ve got some more special things in my bag for today! As of NOW and for the rest of the month, SHOUTOUT to all Music Producers, you can get my BACK TO SCHOOL PROMO on ALL my PLUGINS just use the Promo Code “PLUGIN20”! Some other exciting news… I’m going to be filming my FIRST Lose Yourself With Mike.A Show in MEXICO at the end of the month! so get ready for a NEW VLOG by the end of OCTOBER!

Finally, with all this new info I have one FINAL announcement. When I reach 200 subscribers on Youtube, I’ll be launching some BRAND NEW & EXCLUSIVE …

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Keep It Groovin’, Stay Inspired



Sound Design in Electronic Music


I'm REALLY Bad at Posting... (how to build your community)